BVSc – 40th Reunion

Class of 1975

15 December 2015

In early December 2015, 30 members, and many of their partners, of the loosely named Class of 1975 gathered to celebrate, for some, the 40 years since departing Wilson Hall with a freshly minted BVSc in hand. The group consisted of those who started the journey to graduation in 1971 and others we just gathered along the way.

On the Friday afternoon, a trip was had down memory lane with a Kendall Hall lunch, a tour of the much-changed facilities at the VCC, and 3 enjoyable short talks by classmates Pete Davies, Rob Hilton and Mike Nunn on their very diverse career paths. Among many other things, Pete was an advisor to President Obama on antibiotic use, Rob was in the epicentre of the massive 2015 Nepal earthquake and Mike wasCVO of PNG quite soon after graduation.

The celebration proper was held on the Saturday evening at the Lorne Hotel’s “View” venue. Each graduate had their 5 minutes of fame at the microphone to detail their lives either since graduation or their last reunion. Several of the reluctant non-attendees sent electronic updates.

Many hilarious as well as poignant stories were shared. Nominal long distance awards went to Pete Davies and Rick Matthews, who came from Minnesota and Ireland, respectively. Interstaters included Trevor Rickman and Jacquie Rand. A moment was taken to remember Jim Dorling and Harry Frauenfelder, who had both passed away since our 30-year reunion.

In true vet fashion, much wine and beer were imbibed over dinner and many old friendships rekindled during the evening. All too soon, however, it was midnight and we were being politely ushered out into the balmy Lorne night.

Many fronted for a late breakfast next morning. Some even braved the surf and the stayers kicked on for a BBQ lunch, generously hosted by John and Beverley Allen at their local holiday house.

All in all, a fine time was had by everyone and resolutions firmly made to gather again ‘soon’. Time will tell exactly when, but the 50th year reunion is a certainty for this fine bunch of graciously aging vets.

Words: Jim Parsons
Images: Jacquie Rand